Professor John Holland in 1975 proposed an attractive class of computational models, called Genetic Algorithms (GA), that mimic the biological evolution process for solving problems in a wide domain. The mechanisms under GA have been analyzed and explained later by Goldberg, De Jong, Davis, Muehlenbein, Chakraborti, Fogel, Vose and many others. Genetic Aalgorithms has three major applications, namely, intelligent search, optimization and machine learning. Currently, Genetic Algorithms is used along with neural networks and fuzzy logic for solving more complex problems. Because of their joint usage in many problems, these together are often referred to by a generic name: “;soft-computing”. A Genetic Algorithms operates through a simple cycle of stages:- i) Creation of a “;population” of strings,
- ii) Evaluation of each string,
- iii) Selection of best strings and
- iv) Genetic manipulation to create new population of strings.

Each cycle in Genetic Algorithms produces a new generation of possible solutions for a given problem. In the first phase, an initial population, describing representatives of the potential solution, is created to initiate the search process. The elements of the population are encoded into bit-strings, called chromosomes. The performance of the strings, often called fitness, is then evaluated with the help of some functions, representing the constraints of the problem. Depending on the fitness of the chromosomes, they are selected for a subsequent genetic manipulation process. It should be noted that the selection process is mainly responsible for assuring survival of the best-fit individuals. After selection of the population strings is over, the genetic manipulation process consisting of two steps is carried out. In the first step, the crossover operation that recombines the bits (genes) of each two selected strings (chromosomes) is executed. Various types of crossover operators are found in the literature. The single point and two points crossover operations are illustrated

Fig.: Mutation of a chromosome at the 5th bit position.
Table A:

Table C:

A Schema (or schemata in plural form) / hyperplane or similarity template is a genetic pattern with fixed values of 1 or 0 at some designated bit positions. For example, S = 01?1??1 is a 7-bit schema with fixed values at 4-bits and don't care values, represented by ?, at the remaining 3 positions. Since 4 positions matter for this schema, we say that the schema contains 4 genes.
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