Microprocessor System and Interfacing Lab
Assembly Language program
1. Write an Assembly Language program to add two 8 bit numbers
2. Write an Assembly Language program to add two 16 bit numbers
3. Write an Assembly Language program to subtract two 8 bit numbers
4. Write an Assembly Language program to subtract two 16 bit numbers
5. Write an Assembly Language program to multiply two 8 bit numbers
6. Write an Assembly Language program to multiply two 16 bit numbers
7. Write an Assembly Language program to divide 16 bit number by an 8 bit number
8. Write an Assembly Language program to find smallest number in the series.
9. Write an Assembly Language program to find Largest number in the series.
10. Write an Assembly Language program to convert unpacked BCD to packed data
11. Write an Assembly Language program to perform packed BCD Addition
12. Write an Assembly Language program to perform packed BCD Subtraction
13. Write an Assembly Language program to perform addition of two ASCII numbers
14. Write an Assembly Language program to perform subtraction of two ASCII numbers
15. Write an Assembly Language program to perform BCD multiplication
16. Write an Assembly Language program to perform BCD division
17. Write an Assembly Language program to transfer block of data
18. Write an Assembly Language program to find the given number is even or odd
19. Write an Assembly Language program to find the factorial of the given number
20. Write an Assembly Language program to find the given number is positive or negative
21. Write an Assembly Language program to obtain Fibonacci series
22. Write an Assembly Language program to convert Fahrenheit to centigrade
23. Write an Assembly Language program to sort the numbers using bubble sort Mechanism
24. Write an Assembly Language program to Reverse the given number
25. Write an Assembly Language program to perform LCM
Assembler program-MASM
26. Write an Masm program to perform Addition of two 16 bit numbers
27. Write an Masm program to perform Subtraction of two 16 bit numbers
28. Write an Masm program to perform Multiplication of two 16 bit numbers.
29. Write an Masm program to perform Division of two 16 bit numbers
30. Write an Masm Program to display a given string.
31. Write an Masm Program to display a character.
32. Write an Masm Program to display a input from keyboard.
33. Write an Masm Program to display two string in separate lines.
34. Write an Masm Program to display factorial of a number.
35. Write an Masm Program to display Fibonacci series.
36. Write an Masm program for Comparison of a given two number.
37. Write an Masm program to Display an array.
38. Write an Masm program to perform Addition of two arrays
39. Write an Masm program to perform Subtraction two arrays.
40. Write an Masm program to perform Multiplication of two arrays.
41. Write an Masm program to perform Division of two arrays.
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