Training of artifcial neural networks
A neural network has to be configured such that the application of a set of inputs produces (either 'direct' or via a relaxation process) the desired set of outputs. Various methods to set the strengths of the connections exist. One way is to set the weights explicitly, using a priori knowledge. Another way is to 'train' the neural network by feeding it teaching patterns and letting it change its weights according to some learning rule.
We can categorise the learning situations in two distinct sorts. These are:
- Supervised learning or Associative learning in which the
network is trained by providing it with input and
matching output patterns. These input-output pairs can be provided by
an external teacher, or by the system which contains
the neural network (self-supervised).
- Unsupervised learning or Self-organisation in which an (output) unit is trained to respond to clusters of pattern within the input. In this paradigm the system is supposed to discover statistically salient features of the input population. Unlike the supervised learning paradigm, there is no a priori set of categories into which the patterns are to be classified; rather the system must develop its own representation of the input stimuli.
- Reinforcement Learning This type of learning may be considered as an intermediate form of the above two types of learning. Here the learning machine does some action on the environment and gets a feedback response from the environment. The learning system grades its action good (rewarding) or bad (punishable) based on the environmental response and accordingly adjusts its parameters. Generally, parameter adjustment is continued until an equilibrium state occurs, following which there will be no more changes in its parameters. The selforganizing neural learning may be categorized under this type of learning.
Modifying patterns of connectivity of Neural Networks
Both learning paradigms supervised learning and unsupervised learning result in an adjustment of the weights of the connections between units, according to some modification rule. Virtually all learning rules for models of this type can be considered as a variant of the Hebbian learning rule suggested by Hebb in his classic book Organization of Behaviour (1949) (Hebb, 1949). The basic idea is that if two units j and k are active simultaneously, their interconnection must be strengthened. If j receives input from k, the simplest version of Hebbian learning prescribes to modify the weight wjk with
where Ï’ is a positive constant of proportionality representing the learning rate. Another common rule uses not the actual activation of unit k but the difference between the actual and desired activation for adjusting the weights:

in which dk is the desired activation provided by a teacher. This is often called the Widrow-Hoff rule or the delta rule, and will be discussed in the next chapter. Many variants (often very exotic ones) have been published the last few years.
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