Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tips to crack a GD Group Discussion
1. GD is not an elimination procedure:
Most of the students think GD as an elimination round where the evaluator finds scope to eliminate the candidates. This is a very wrong perception. GD is more of an evaluation process than an elimination round. In a group discussion round, the evaluator evaluates the candidates on certain skills like communication, assertiveness, patience to listen, etc. The evaluator mainly wants to see how well you can communicate, but make sure that whatever you are saying makes sense.
2. Make good points
In case of GD, after you get to hear the topic on which all the candidate’s need to discuss, try to think the topic from different perspectives like economic, political, social, technological, legal, etc. By doing this, you will get a number of good points to speak on. Don’t hurry in making the points.
3. Understand the topic first and then speak
until and unless you are very confident about the topic, don’t be the one to start. If you do not understand what the topic is all about, then hear what the others are saying. From there, you can make out what the topic is all about and then plan out your points and presentation.

4. Get into the discussion

while being the first one to speak has its own share of risks; it is not advisable to remain quite for a long time. After you have gathered enough points you can get into the discussion. To get yourself noticed, you can start by agreeing or disagreeing to a particular candidate’s points and then begin speaking on your points. At the same time, doesn’t be the last one to speak as this might make a negative impression on the judging panel. It is always advisable to be the second or the third speaker.
5. Leadership quality
In case of GD, try to highlight your leadership quality but don’t portray a bossy attitude. Try to motivate others to speak so that it brings out your abilities as a leader before the interview panel.


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