Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Difference Between mysql_fetch_array() And mysql_fetch_assoc()

Getting data from MySQL with PHP is very convenient. But I found most of PHP beginners don't know the difference between two MySQL functions: mysql_fetch_array() and mysql_fetch_assoc(). If you don't understand the two functions, you always come up against such problem: why can't I see the result from MySQL?

Suppose we have a database called 'test' and it has a table called 'members' which stores some members' information. The goal is to fetch all the members' information. Consider such code below:

$rs=mysql_query('SELECT * FROM members');

Then $rs is an array that stores all personal information. You can use mysql_fetch_array() or mysql_fetch_assoc() to fetch each row by calling the function repeatedly. Consider:
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($rs,MYSQL_NUM)){
  // ...

Here $row is a normal array (integer-indexed array). You cannot get data with $row['name'], $row['birthday'], etc. You must use integer as the index, e.g. $row[0], $row[1]... How to get an associative array? You need to set the second parameter of mysql_fetch_array(). MYSQL_ASSOC tells mysql_fetch_array() to return an associative array. See below:
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($rs,MYSQL_ASSOC)){
  // ... here you can use $row['name'], $row['birthday']...

mysql_fetch_array($rs,MYSQL_BOTH) equals to mysql_fetch_array($rs). There's no need to use MYSQL_BOTH, so we often omit it.

So you can use two methods to fetch data by specifying the second parameter to MYSQL_BOTH or omitting the second parameter. Then both of the styles, $row[0] and $row['name'], are available.

But where's mysql_fetch_assoc()? It seems not useful. Right. mysql_fetch_assoc($rs) is equivalent to mysql_fetch_array($rs,MYSQL_ASSOC). Obviously, when you need to an associated array (string-indexed array) only, mysql_fetch_assoc() is more convenient. By the way, mysql_fetch_assoc doesn't have the second parameter. It can only return associative array so it needs less memory space to store the result array.


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