Choose: Units I, II, III, IV, V and VIII (1, 2,3,4,5 and 8)

Unit I - Introduction to UML
Check List after study

* Modeling Importance and Principles
* Object Oriented Modeling
* Conceptual Model of UML
* Softare Development Life Cycle

Unit II - Structural Modeling
Check List after study

* Classes and Relationships
* Advanced Classes & Relationships
* Interfaces
* Packages

Unit III - Class & Object Diagrams
Check List after study

* Terms for Classes and Objects
* Class and Object Concepts
* Modeling Technicques

Unit IV - Basic Behavioral Modeling - I
Check List after study

* Interactions
* Interaction Diagrams

Unit V - Basic Behavioral Modeling - II
Check List after study

* Use Cases
* Use Case Diagrams
* Activity Diagrams

Unit VIII - Libray Application - Case Study
Check List after study

* Library Application Diagrams
* Load class in Java