Hello guys,
This my 12th Post in my blog
This my 12th Post in my blog
If you
are a noob surely this post will help you to know something new . As you know
firefox is the most popular and most commonly used browser by the internet
users. Do you know why it became so popular?
It is
because of its faster browsing experience and a huge no. of add-ons and
extensions which extends the usability of it. Today we are revealing the info
about the best add-ons which are specially made for hacking activity and as
well as for security. So without wasting any time let’s us come to the point.
Here is a list of best firefox add-ons every hacker should have. Some of these
can be useful for others too.
1. Fireforce 2.1- This add-on is specially made for applying
brute force attack on any login page. It is very easy to use but it takes very
long time to complete its operation but it works well and you should have this
add-on in your firefox.
2. Go2proxy 1.0.2- It is very frustrating when
you want to access any site and then you realize that the you are blocked in
the website or the website is completely blocked in your country. But don’t
worry because this add-on is specially made for these conditions. Just install
this add-on to your firefox and access blocked websites.
3. IPFuck 1.0.1- This add-on is very useful when you want to
surf internet anonymously by flooding IP.It generates random IP according to
the setting you define and and uses them to fake the use of proxy. You should
add this add-on to your firefox add-on list.
4. Google translator for Firefox This
add-on is very much useful for hackers. Now you might be thinking how it can be
useful in hacking. That is because sometimes you have website from which you
can learn a lot but you are not able to understand the language used in the
5. Firesheep -A Firefox extension that demonstrates
HTTP session hijacking attacks.You may can use this for facebook hacking too 
6. SQL Inject Me- SQL Injection
vulnerabilites can cause a lot of damage to a web application. A malicious user
can possibly view records, delete records, drop tables or gain access to your
server. SQL Inject-Me is Firefox Extension used to test for SQL Injection
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