Monday, June 18, 2012

Digital Integrated Circuits by Jan M. Rabaey
Prentice Hall
Jan M. Rabaey
Paperback 1st Edition
Edition Number:
No. of Pages:

CMOS LOGIC : Introduction to logic families, CMOS logic, CMOS steady state electrical behavior, CMOS
dynamic electrical behavior, CMOS logic families.
BIPOLAR LOGIC AND INTERFACING : Bipolar logic, Transistor logic, TTL families, CMOS/TTL interfacing,
low voltage CMOS logic and interfacing, Emitter coupled logic, Comparison of logic families, Familiarity with
standard 74XX and CMOS 40XX series-ICs – Specifications.
THE VHDL HARDWARE DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE : Design flow, program structure, types and constants,
functions and procedures, libraries and packages.
THE VHDL DESIGN ELEMENTS : Structural design elements, data flow design elements, behavioral design
elements, time dimension and simulation synthesis.
COMBINATIONAL LOGIC DESIGN : Decoders, encoders, three state devices, multiplexers and
demultiplexers, Code Converters, EX-OR gates and parity circuits, comparators, adders & subtractors, ALUs,
Combinational multipliers. VHDL modes for the above ICs.
DESIGN EXAMPLES (USING VHDL) : Design examples (using VHDL) - Barrel shifter, comparators, floatingpoint
encoder, dual parity encoder.
SEQUENTIAL LOGIC DESIGN : Latches and flip-flops, PLDs, counters, shift register, and their VHDL models,
synchronous design methodology, impediments to synchronous design.
MEMORIES : ROMs : Internal structure, 2D-decoding commercial types, timing and applications. Static RAM:
Internal structure, SRAM timing, standard SRAMS, synchronous SRAMS.
Dynamic RAM : Internal structure, timing, synchronous DRAMs. Familiarity with Component Data Sheets –
Intended for use in an undergraduate senior-level digital circuit design class. Advanced material appropriate for graduate courses.Progressive in content and form, this practical text successfully bridges the gap between the circuit perspective and system perspective of digital integrated circuit design. Beginning with solid discussions on the operation of electronic devices and and in-depth analysis of the nucleus of digital design, the text maintains a consistent, logical flow of subject matter throughout, addressing today's most significant and compelling industry topics: the impact of interconnect, design for low power, issues in timing and clocking, design methodologies, and the tremendous effect of design automation on the digital design perspective.

From the Back Cover:

Contemporary in content and form, this practical book successfully bridges the gap between the circuit perspective and system perspective of digital integrated circuit design. Beginning with a solid foundation of the operation of electronic devices and an in-depth analysis of the nucleus of digital design, it maintains a consistent, logical flow of subject matter throughout, addressing today's most significant and compelling industry topics: the effect of interconnect, design for low power, issues in timing and clocking, design methodologies, and the tremendous impact of design automation on the digital design perspective. Discusses state-of-the-art topics in design, such as complex gates, adders, multipliers, registers, controllers and memories. Focuses on practical design issues, with examples, design problems and case studies creating practical knowledge readers can readily apply in industrial design. Offers perspectives on the future evolution of design practice at the end of each chapter to put issues discussed in a broader vision. Includes many illustrations and reality-based design problems to foster comprehension. For professional engineers.

How to Use This Book:

The core of the text is intended for use in a senior-level digital circuit design class. Around this kernel, we have included chapters and sections covering the more advanced topics. In the course of developing this book, it quickly became obvious that it is difficult to define a subset of the digital circuit design domain that covers everyone's needs. On the one hand, a newcomer to the field needs detailed coverage of the basic concepts. On the other hand, feedback from early readers and reviewers indicated that an in-depth and extensive coverage of advanced topics and current issues is desirable and necessary. Providing this complete vision resulted in a text that exceeds the scope of a single-semester class. The more advanced material can be used as the basis for a graduate class. The wide coverage and the inclusion of state-of-the-art topics also makes the text useful as a reference work for professional engineers. It is assumed that students taking this course are familiar with the basics of logic design.
The organization of the material is such that the chapters can be taught or read in many ways, as long as a number of precedence relations are adhered to. The core of the text consists of Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8. Chapters 1 to 4 can be considered as introductory. In response to popular demand, we have introduced a short treatise on semiconductor manufacturing in Chapter 2. Students with 4 prior introduction to semiconductor devices can traverse quickly .through Chapter 3. We urge everyone to do at least that, as a number of important notations and foundations are introduced in that chapter. In addition, an original approach to the modeling of deep-submicron transistors enabling manual analysis, is introduced. To emphasize the importance of interconnect in today's digital design, we have moved the modeling of interconnect forward in the text to Chapter 4.
Chapters 9 to 12 are of a more advanced nature and can be used to provide a certain focus to the course. A course with a focus on the circuit aspects, for example, can supplement the core material with Chapters 9 and 12. A course focused on the digital system design should consider adding (parts of) Chapters 9, 10, and 11. All of these advanced chapters can be used to form the core of a graduate or a follow-on course. Sections considered advanced are marked with an asterisk in the text.
A number of possible paths through the material for a senior-level class are enumerated below. In the instructor documentation, provided on the book's web site, we have included a number of complete syllabi based on courses run at some academic institutions.
Basic circuit class (with minor prior device knowledge):
1, 2.1-3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, (9.1-9.3, 12).
Somewhat more advanced circuit coverage:
1, (2, 3), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.1-10.3, 10.5-10.6, 12.
Course with systems focus:
1, (2, 3), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.1-10.4, 11, 12.1-12.2.
The design methodology inserts are, by preference, covered in concurrence with the chapter to which they are attached.
In order to maintain a consistent flow through each of the chapters, the topics are introduced first, followed by a detailed and in-depth discussion of the ideas. A Perspective section discusses how the introduced concepts relate to real world designs and how they might be impacted by future evolutions. Each chapter finishes with a Summary, which briefly enumerates the topics covered in the text, followed by To Probe Further and Reference sections. These provide ample references and pointers for a reader interested in further details on some of the material.
As the title of the book implies, one of the goals of this book is to stress the design aspect of digital circuits. To achieve this more practical viewpoint and to provide a real perspective, we have interspersed actual design examples and layouts throughout the text. These case studies help to answer questions, such as "How much area or speed or power is really saved by applying this technique?" To mimic the real design process, we are making extensive use of design tools such as circuit- and switch-level simulation as well as layout editing and extraction. Computer analysis is used throughout to verify manual results, to illustrate new concepts, or to examine complex behavior beyond the reach of manual analysis.
Finally, to facilitate the learning process, there are numerous examples included in the text. Each chapter contains a number of problems or brain-teasers (answers for which can be found in the back of the book), that provoke thinking and understanding while reading.


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